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Unfortunately we did not get to learn mandarin,which is what we hoped this module would be, but instead, we got to about chinese culture, such as ethnic minorities, religion, traditional pastimes and much more, in this module. I did a joint project about traditional chinese pastimes at the end of the term.


My class took part in a forensics module at the start of this year. I really enjoyed learning about the different ways a body can be examined to find the cause of death. Making note of any markings on the body and the scene around the deceased could help you decide if it was a homicide. I alsolearned ways which a corpse can be identified this included studying the teeth or taking a finger print .


Media Studies

In media Studies we learned about the ways light, sound and music etc are used to portray a specific mood and scene in movies. We also learned about 'mise en scene'. At the end of this module, we did a project ony a movie we liked and wrote about how mise en sceneis used in the movie.

In Finance, we leaned how to create a budget for a holiday so we could see all the different costs involved in booking a holiday and other things to take into account such as food and transfers.

We are learning new skills in Pottery such as how to make a pinch pot and I am generally improving my skills with clay. 



In Health and Safety, we are learning about what to do in the event of a fire, what certain signs mean etc.


One of my modules this year ways leadership. We studied famous leaders of the past and the characteristics that make a good leader. At the end of the module, we had to choose 2 famous leaders and write about their lives and the characteristics that made them great and compare them in the conclusion.

Public Speaking

In public speaking we are learning how to properly present a speech and draw attention to your message. There are many techniques involved in speech writing which we are learning. We will take a public speaking exam at the end of the year. 

Art Appreciation

In art appreciation we learned a great deal about renaissance art and architecture. We were told about the different styles of building throughout history and many styles of art. I did a project on Impressionism at the end of this module.

In architecture, we did a project, where we had to construct a model of a building/ structure of our choice. My group, built a tree house style structure from lollipop sicks and card and other materials we could find and got an A.



In RSE we learned about harmful STD's and STIs such as herpes and prevention ( cures if any ), signs and symptoms associated with them. At the end of this module, I did a project on different types of womens contraception.

2010 - present
2010 - present
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